What is StateBook Insights?
StateBook Insights is a simple JavaScript API for easily visualizing StateBook data on your website using views such as tables, charts, graphs, and maps. These visualizations are fully interactive, allowing your users to choose between multiple topics, views, geographies, time periods, data categories, and metrics. Very little development experience is needed to integrate the API into your website. With just a few lines of code, a wealth of data can be at your users' fingertips.
Line graphs
This demo lets you view a single line graph that provides the targeted information you need on your website. Graphs can be customized to show the specific data that you want, including specific geographies, time periods, categories, and metrics. You can also customize titles and subtitles, dimensions, and colors. Graphs can be embedded in a website in less than 20 lines of HTML and JavaScript code.
Timeline graphs
Timeline graphs add additional capability to view data over time. You can refine the time periods using buttons and sliders so that you can highlight the exact period you want.
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